12 key autumn/winter pieces by ambrose wilson

Every year I get asked about the key pieces of the season, and what to buy to keep up-to-date. The answer is never clear cut, as this will depend on your colouring, body shape, lifestyle, etc. So what may be a key piece for you may not be a key piece for someone else. Having said that, there are certain items my clients return to again and again. Here are some suggestions for 12 pieces you may wish to consider for your wardrobe this autumn/winter. Other items, such as a blazer or a hoodie, may be essential for you too.

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denim by Ambrose Wilson

I’m delighted to be showcasing some of my favourite jeans from Ambrose Wilson which you can view on these two videos. I will list the items and jeans for you with clickable links for easy purchasing. Sizes range for UK 10 to 30.

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shopping in paris

❤️ SHOPPING IN PARIS ❤️   I’m heading to Paris today and I’ve popped this together for you, nine of my favourite places to shop, for all budgets.   CLICK […]

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what are your style personalities?

Have you ever been shopping with a friend and she is drawn to pretty dresses, whilst you make a beeline for the sharp tailored blazers and jeans? That’s your individual style personalities shining through.

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your questions answered

Your questions answered!   Hello folks! I’ve not written for a while as Covid, life and work have got in the way but I’m now back in action! I thought I’d […]

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Saturday Style by Anita – colour blocking


I am so delighted to bring you my ‘Saturday Style by Anita’.

I feel there is not enough guidance out there for the different dominant colour groupings. So, whether you are a deep, light, warm, cool, clear, soft, spring, summer, autumn or winter, this week I’ve picked colour block jumpers which will flatter all colour groups and help you transition into spring/summer and beyond.

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best shopping destinations in london

The personal shopping season for Spring 2022 is well under way and I’m busy helping clients plug their wardrobe gaps. Lovely spring newness is trickling into stores and by the middle of February shelves and rails will be overflowing with fresh colour and style trends.

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